Four Inspirations for Your Letter Writing

New Year’s Day has come and gone but hopefully you are still going strong with your resolutions.

So, to boost your New Year’s Goals spirit and encourage you to show your loved ones just how much they mean to you, we decided to feature letter-writing, an old but loved form of communication.


With the convenience and ease of the internet, writing letters is often forgotten but there’s still nothing quite like the feeling of tipping open your mailbox to find a postmarked letter.


We compiled a list of 4 ways to inspire your letter writing and rekindle your connection with your loved ones.

1 – Find a Pen Pal

Before you break out the letter supplies and buy several sheets of stamps, we suggest deciding who you want to write a letter to. This step will make sure you don’t lose your letter-writing steam and stop before you even start writing.


Tip: You can find a pen pal through international mission agencies or write to someone in the army. Perhaps you have a elderly relative who would love receiving mail.


Finding someone who not only appreciates the letter but also replies will help motivate you to send more letters.

2- Invest in Fun Supplies


You don’t need to break your budget to find some good quality, eye-catching letter supplies. The investment, however, is worth it. You will feel inspired to write, to create a connection with a long-distance friend, by simply looking at your pretty paper, gel pens and Washi tape.

Amish Insight: Since most Amish don’t use phones or computers, they often rely on letters to communicate with long-distance friends and family members.



3- Transform Your Mailbox

Give your mailbox an exciting, new makeover with an DIY project or buy a new mailbox all together.


Local Amish handcrafted this sturdy Poly Mailbox. Designed to look like a country barn, this mailbox will add an unique element of style to the outside of your house.


Or adorn your front yard with this classic, Wooden Barn Mailbox, with a structure built to last. Its’ precise design and outstanding quality will leave the whole neighborhood envious of your unique decoration.


With your new mailbox, your daily journey there will become fun; it won’t be long before you’re mailbox walk becomes something that you excitedly look forward to each day.

4- Inspire Yourself

Writing letters may turn out to be harder than you imagine. The social-media-obsessed-world in which we live thrives on concise, witty thoughts. Letters, however, need substance and length.


Inspire your writing by reading the writings of the great poets and authors of years past; read their love letters, their poems, their stories, and embrace the eloquent, fluid style of letter writing.


Tip: You can even write a letter to your future self. In two weeks or five years from now, you can enjoy opening your letter and catching a glimpse of who you were and what you thought back then. 

Phyllis Theroux, an author and writing teacher, once said, “To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”


Through letter writing, you can share both the gloriously ordinary moments of the day-to-day along with the spectacular moments of cherishing life.

This year, you can return to “good, old days” by sending a few letters of your own. Then each day, you’ll find yourself waiting and wondering if today you’ll receive a letter in return.



Pat Polito
I very much enjoy receiving as well as writing a letter to a dear family member or friend. It’s so much more personal and heart warming than the emails received these days. To this day still prefer to keep in touch with my loved ones with a personal note. For me, those few quiet moments spent quietly with pen in hand is almost as good as a personal visit with my dear ones. Emails may be the way of the world today but sometimes the good old ways are just that much more personal, memorable and appreciated. I very much… Read more »